Clarification Text on the Protection of Personal Data

The clarification text, the details of which you can read below, is in the Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data (KVKK) art. It is regulated within the scope of responsibility arising from 10. We announce this information text and necessary explanations to the relevant parties. Our company always reserves the right to make necessary updates in this clarification text within the framework of the law.


Our company ESTAS Medical Products Medical Devices Automotive Manufacturing Import Export and Trade Industry Inc. As the data controller, we give importance to the personal data of the persons concerned, the privacy and security of private life, respect and desire to fulfill their responsibilities in accordance with the KVKK. For this reason, our company, as a data controller, explains the purposes of processing your personal data, the method of data collection and legal reasons and KVKK art. It will explain what your rights are listed in 11.


We send this information to all our customers, company employees, past employees whose employment contract has been terminated, our guests who come to visit our workplace, our suppliers, people who visit our website, users who connect to the guest network in our company, our customers in the company database, fairs, etc. To third parties in marketing areas such as; our consumers who fill out customer forms on our website, employee candidates who are sent as references or physically filled in application forms from career portals to apply for a job, all our business partners and their employees within the scope of our commercial activities, and limited to all of these. We are publishing this text addressing to real persons who have shared or will share their personal data with us, face to face, at a distance, verbally, in writing or electronically.

Personal Data Processing and Protection Policy

2. Introduction

2.1. Purpose of the Policy

ESTAŞ Medical Mamulleri Medikal Devices Automotive Manufacturing Import Export and Trade Industry Inc. (ESTAŞ Medikal) Board of Directors and all its personnel, in line with the Personal Data Protection and Processing Policy, the Constitution of the Republic of Turkey on the protection of personal data, the Law on the Protection of Personal Data No. 6698 (KVKK). ) undertakes to comply with the principles and rules brought by other legislation and to protect the rights of the persons concerned. For this purpose, it has adopted a written Personal Data Protection Policy and System to be implemented and developed.


The purpose of the Personal Data Protection Policy is ESTAŞ Medikal;


Establishing and realizing its own standards in the management of personal data;

Determining and supporting organizational goals and obligations,

Establishing control mechanisms in line with the acceptable risk level of ESTAS Medikal,

Fulfilling obligations in accordance with international conventions, the Constitution, laws, contracts and professional rules in the field of personal data protection,

It is the best protection of the interests of individuals.

Membership Agreement

1. Parties

This contract has been concluded between ESTAŞ Medical Mamulleri Medikal Devices Automotive Manufacturing Import Export and Trade Industry Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "ESTAŞ Medikal"), located at the address "Organize Industrial Zone SİVAS", and the "Member" within the framework of the following terms and conditions.


2. Enforcement

Membership is required to benefit from ESTAS Medical services and membership is provided on condition that all terms of this contract are accepted. For this reason, this agreement between the Member and ESTAS Medikal comes into effect when the "Member" completes the registration process electronically, with the electronic confirmation that he/she declares that he/she understands and accepts this agreement. is a social networking service that provides an environment for its members to share news, microblog, comment and discuss. Users of this site, whether they are visitors or members, undertake to act in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. The word "user" in the text of the agreement includes "member" and "visitor". With the acceptance of this agreement by the "Member", the "Member" accepts, declares and undertakes that he has accepted all kinds of regulations for the "Services", terms of use, content, applications and users provided by ESTAS Medikal on the "Site" it does.